The Union Board has a robust history at Davidson College. The board's first year was 1956-57, five years after the opening of Davidson’s first Union in 1952. Since then, the Union Board has served an important role in creating major programs that have become important campus organizations/program initiatives on their own. The following organizations got their start as Union Board committees and are now independent organizations serving Davidson students:
• The Women’s Committee
• Davidson Outdoors
• WDAV (initially a student radio station)
• PS Student Restaurant
• DIA (Davidson International
• The Music Department’s Concert Series
(formerly provided by the Union Board
Chamber Music Committee)
• Davidson Quiz Bowl (initially provided
by the Union Board’s College Bowl
Today, the Union Board is the major student programming organization of Davidson College. The current board is made up of 18 student members, 3 staff advisors, and 11 committees. Together, the committees and board members program events for the entire campus on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights.